Zoom: Scottish Research Discussion Group - Kirk Sessions

Scottish Research Discussion Group  Led by Carolyn Barclay and Pam Goddard

This workshop explores the role of the Kirk Sessions as the Parish Courts, their function and how accessing the records can give an insight into our ancestors’ lives. 

Spaces are limited. This is a Members Only event. Please reserve a place by email to workshop.booking@nwkfhs.org.uk including the event title and date together with your name and membership number.

The Society is a charity and donations are an important part of our income. Our workshop leaders freely give their time, but a donation towards Society funds is appreciated   https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/shop/nwkfhs-shop/services/society-donation 

Event Information

Event Date 20-04-2022 2:30 pm
Event End Date 20-04-2022 4:30 pm
Capacity 15
Individual Price A donation towards Society funds is appreciated   https://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/shop/nwkfhs-shop/services/society-donation 
Location Zoom online